JOHNNY WINTER : NEW BOOK By it on AMAZON or KINDLE BOOKS! Based on interviews with: Johnny Winter, Larry Sepulvado and Paul Nelson GUITAR SLINGERS’ JOURNAL: BOOK NO. 7 QUOTES ABOUT JOHNNY WINTER: “All we needed was three, we had Johnny Winter!”…… Tommy Shannon “Johnny Winter goes down in history as one of the most vicious slide guitarists in history” ……Society of Rock. “Johnny Winter is a bona fide, genuine, Texas guitar legend. Emerging in the late 1960s, he quickly escalated his career to rock star status, using the blues as his catapult”….Jeff Massey “Johnny Winter is one of the best blues guitarists. He is a fountain of vintage blues. His moves are fast and his playing staccato and harsh. He captures the agony of the blues. Mr. Winter is a charismatic performer.”……The New York Times “Johnny Winter, A blues icon”…… Paul Nelson “Johnny Winter was the original Texas guitar slinger, a king of the slide guitar, and a master shredder, his lightning fast guitar licks defied physics”…Hank Ray “When Johnny Winter pulls out his guitar you never know what you’re going to get, you just know it’s going to be good!”.....ZZ Top Billy Gibbons “He’s one of the greatest blues players in the business”….Muddy Waters “The best white blues guitarist I’ve ever heard”…… Mike Bloomfield “Mr. Winter … Is one of the finest blues musicians to ever appear on the Fillmore stage.”……New York Times “He is the blues guitarist who can settle the argument about who is the best blues guitarist; it’s Johnny Winter.”… Marshall Fine in the Minneapolis Star “If it weren’t for Johnny Winter, I would have never picked up the guitar”….. Aerosmith’s Joe Perry "There isn't a meaner white boy alive today who can match the scorchin' blues guitar of the great Johnny Winter”... Ron Hart GUITAR SLINGERS’ JOURNAL: Collect them all! 1. Johnny Winter, the Early Years. 2. Johnny Winter, 1968-1970 Texas Power Trio. 3. Johnny Winter, Johnny Winter “And”. 4. Johnny Winter, the Still Alive and Well Comeback. 5. Johnny Winter, the Muddy Waters Project. 6. Johnny Winter, Alligator Blues 7. Johnny Winter, Blues Man Walkin’ 8. Clarence White, Blue Grass to the B’ Bender and Beyond. 9. The Three Kings; Albert, B.B. and Freddie. 10. Stevie Ray Von, Texas Blues. 11. Hendrix! 12. Mike Bloomfield, Chicago Blues. 13. British Blues Guitar Masters
